Janneke Breedijk

Owner of Pluskids
Pijnacker, Netherlands

Website: Pluskids

Contact Janneke Breedijk

Curriculum Vitae:

From april 2007 untill august 2012 I was a teacher at an enrichmentclass. The main motive for setting up an enrichment class was focused on the contacting of (highly) gifted peers in developing and offering challenging material to stimulate and to develop higher order thinking skills.
With other ECHAspecialists I have developped training courses and workshops for Primary Eduction.
Commissioned SLO she performed support under the project 'The Hague, for Excellence'.
I'm working with (young) gifted children over the past 10 years and I've organized many workshops and seminars on giftedness and how to support these kids, their parents and their teachers.
With Noks Nauta I wrote the book 'Gifted adolescents, way to their future', based on interviews with gifted adolescents. The release was in December 2012.
From august 2012 till now I continued Pluskids by teacher training and participation in the Dutch national program School aan Zet as an expert in excellent education & giftedness.