Invited speakers

Sheyla Blumen
Professor of Psychology
Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Lima, Peru
Website: Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
- Native Gifted Children in the Digital Age Paper Video

Jasna Cvetković - Lay
Founder and vicepresident
Center for gifted child development “BISTRIĆ”
Zagreb, Croatia
Website: Bistrić - Centar za poticanje darovitosti djeteta

Csilla Fuszek
European Talent Centre - Budapest
Budapest, Hungary
Website: European Talent Centre - Budapest
- The Hungarian Talent Support Network Model: Operational Experience Paper Presentation Video

Lianne Hoogeveen
Head of the Center for the Study of Giftedness
Radboud University Nijmegen
Nijmegen, Netherlands
Website: Center for the Study of Giftedness
- Inquiry Based Science Education and Opportunities for Teaching the Gifted Paper contribution Presentation
- Acceleration without thresholds Paper contribution Presentation
- Teacher Training in the Netherlands Symposia contribution
- Being a Teacher in the Digital Age Paper Presentation Video

Martin Kubala
Palacky University Olomouc
Olomouc, Czech Republic
Website: Palacky University Olomouc

Slavica Maksić
The Institute for Educational Research
Beograd, Serbia
Website: The Institute for Educational Research
- Developmental Model of Creativity: from Curiosity to Initiative Paper Presentation

Peter Merrotsy
University of Western Australia
Crawley, Australia
Website: University of Western Australia
- Non-Digital Gifted Students in a Digital Age Paper Presentation Video

Carrie Winstanley
Principal Lecturer
Roehampton University
London, United Kingdom
Website: Roehampton University
- Making Use of Museum and Galleries in a Digital Landscape Paper Presentation

Frank C. Worrell
School of Education, University of California
Berkeley, United States
Website: School of Education, University of California
- Giftedness and Gifted Education in the Digital Age: Continuities and Discontinuities Paper Presentation Video