Jasna Cvetković - Lay
Founder and vicepresident
Center for gifted child development “BISTRIĆ”
Zagreb, Croatia
Curriculum Vitae:
Jasna Cvetković-Lay is a professional psychologist in vocation of counselor, ECHA specialist (European Advanced Diploma in Educating the Gifted), with twenty four years of working experience in educational system. She co-operates with kindergartens and schools in professional identifications of gifted children and helps to devise extra-curricular program. Croatian psychological association has assigned her annual psychological award Marko Marulić in 2003 for remarkably valuable contribution in applied psychology. She lectured two courses for students of psychology on Croat Studies of University of Zagreb: Psychology of the Gifted, Psychological Methods & Techniques in assessment of giftedness. She the author of five handbooks (presented on www.nadarenost.net/books.htm) and editor of four booklets.