Martina Brazzolotto
Università degli Studi di Padova Dip. Psicologia dello Sviluppo
Padova, Italy
“Education to Talent” and “Gifted Teaching”: Projects for gifted children in Veneto Region – Italy Poster
Thu 18.09.2014 - 13:45-14:15 - Foyer
Author(s): Martina Pedron (Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialization – University of Padova and C.N.I.S. National Association, GATE-Italy Association (Gifted and Talented Education – Italy)), Martina Brazzolotto (Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialization – University of Padova and C.N.I.S. National Association, GATE-Italy Association; Gifted and Talented Education – Italy)); Massimo Ronchese (U.O.C. NPIA ULSS 16 Padova, GATE-Italy Association; Gifted and Talented Education – Italy)), David Polezzi (U.O.C. NPIA ULSS 16 Padova, GATE-Italy Association; Gifted and Talented Education – Italy)); Isabella Morabito (GATE-Italy Association (Gifted and Talented Education – Italy)), Daniela Lucangeli (Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialization – University of Padova and C.N.I.S. National Association; GATE-Italy Association (Gifted and Talented Education – Italy)); Pier Antonio Battistella (U.O.C. NPIA ULSS 16 Padova, GATE-Italy Association; Gifted and Talented Education – Italy)).
Supporting parents of gifted children: A SENG Model application (The “Education to Talent” Project in Veneto Region - Italy) Poster
Thu 18.09.2014 - 13:45-14:15 - Foyer
Author(s): David Polezzi (U.O.C. NPIA ULSS 16 Padova, GATE-Italy Association; Gifted and Talented Education – Italy)), Massimo Ronchese (U.O.C. NPIA ULSS 16 Padova, GATE-Italy Association; Gifted and Talented Education – Italy)), Martina Pedron (Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialization – University of Padova and C.N.I.S. National Association, GATE-Italy Association (Gifted and Talented Education – Italy)), Martina Brazzolotto (Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialization – University of Padova and C.N.I.S. National Association, GATE-Italy Association; Gifted and Talented Education – Italy)); Isabella Morabito (GATE-Italy Association (Gifted and Talented Education – Italy)); Daniela Lucangeli (Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialization – University of Padova and C.N.I.S. National Association; GATE-Italy Association (Gifted and Talented Education – Italy)); Pier Antonio Battistella (U.O.C. NPIA ULSS 16 Padova, GATE-Italy Association; Gifted and Talented Education – Italy)).