Lana Goossens
Wetenschapsknooppunt Radboud Universiteit (WKRU)
Nijmegen, Netherlands
Inquiry Based Science Education and Opportunities for Teaching the Gifted Paper
Thu 18.09.2014 - 10:30-12:40 - Plečnik 2-3
- Marieke Peeters - Inquiry Based Science Education and Opportunities for Teaching the Gifted Presentation
- Jo Verlinden - Inquiry Based Science Education and Opportunities for Teaching the Gifted Presentation
- Lana Goossens - Inquiry Based Science Education and Opportunities for Teaching the Gifted Presentation
- Lianne Hoogeveen - Inquiry Based Science Education and Opportunities for Teaching the Gifted Presentation
Inquiry-Based EXCELLENT Learning : Scaffolds for the Gifted Poster
Thu 18.09.2014 - 13:45-14:15 - Foyer
Author(s): Marieke Peeters, (Radboud University Nijmegen, Science Hub, The Netherlands), Jo Verlinden, (BCO Onderwijsadvies, The Netherlands), Lana Goossens, (Science education HUB Radboud University, The Netherlands), Lianne Hoogeveen (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands)