Thu 18.09.2014 - 13:45-14:15 - Foyer
The Role of Social Pedagogues in the Process of Dealing With Gifted Pupils Poster
Alenka Polak
Author(s): Alenka Polak, (Faculty of Education University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Barbara Vrbič, (Faculty of Education University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
In each society gifted pupils should represent the great potential and human resource for future development; for that reason the great professional concern and systematic professional approaches should be implemented to satisfy their special needs. In the Slovenian school system, counselling service is provided in almost every school and one of the professional profiles who can deal with the gifted pupils beside the pedagogue, psychologist, social worker, special and rehabilitation pedagogue is also the social pedagogue. Teachers and the members of school counselling service - should be familiar with the numerous characteristics, behaviour and problems that gifted pupils can have, with the process of recognising and identifying them as well as with different approaches and activities to deal with them to promote theirs potentials. In the empirical study presented below, the main research goals were to investigate: (1) what problems of the gifted pupils have been perceived by the social pedagogues, (2) what activities to promote the development of giftedness of pupils are carried out in schools, (3) with what open professional issues are social pedagogues dealing on the area of gifted pupils, (4) how they perceive their own competences to deal with gifted pupils and (5) what knowledge or skills they need in the future to deal more competently with gifted pupils. The sample of the study consists of twenty-six social pedagogues who work daily in schools as counsellors. In the questionnaire they report that their work on the field of giftedness includes recognition and identification of gifted pupils; writing of individualized programmes and evaluation of the accomplishment goals regarding these programmes, coordination between pupils, teachers and parents, as well direct educational and counselling work with the gifted pupils. Social pedagogues involved in the study agree that more activities should be implemented; they also perceive themselves as well equipped with competences to work with gifted pupils. The findings obtained will be an important contribution to discussions on the role of social pedagogues in schools as well as on the education of social pedagogues.