Sat 20.09.2014 - 11:30-13:30 - Ravnikar

The Applicable Value of the Talent and Social Capital   Paper

Presenter: Nataša Zrim Martinjak
Author(s): NataŠa Zrim Martinjak, (Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

In modern digital era, when the accessibility to the data and connectedness in spite of physical distance is multiplied, it is important to pay full attention for the talent. The talent shouldn’t become just a capital itself in a sense of symbolic, instrumental valuableness. The talent is a capital in function and usage, for the individual as for the public welfare. In this context we’re focusing on the employable value of a talent.
Dichotomy between instrumental talent and functional talent meets a question how to deal with the talent and how to support it.
The main question exposed, is how the modern policy documents of educational politics, the ones that form the concept of education, which has the key role in proceedings and in the support of the talent, response to the problem.
With the policy analyses of the documents and the comparative theoretical descriptive method the exposed problems are reflected and potential solutions as contribution to the applicable value of the talent are given.
Modern European educational politics are oriented to stimulate the competitive position and to straighten the human capital, whose functional value is defined and conditioned by social capital. For this reason the consideration of the knowledge about social capital in education and education of the talented would contribute to exceed the present loss in support of the talent and achieving functional talent. The social capital in this context is understood as a potential and possibility at cross point form from instrumental talent to applicable, functional talent that contributes to public, collective benefit. Further on it stimulates the reflection about suitability of the emphasis in followed goals in modern development orientations.