Thu 18.09.2014 - 10:30-12:40 - Risba
Sixty Years On: Reflections from Members of a 1952-53 Class for Gifted Students Paper Presentation
Roger Moltzen
Author(s): Roger Moltzen, (University of Waikato, New Zealand)
Late last year 18 former students of a gifted primary school class in the early 1950s came together to mark their membership of that class. At the time they were placed in the class their average age was 11 years and they spent the last two years of primary schooling in this class. This was the first occasion they had met as a group since graduating to high school. The former class member organising the reunion approached this researcher on behalf of the group offering the opportunity to participate in a research project. This was accepted and the group completed a questionnaire, furnished biographical profiles and participated in an group interviews. The findings, which will be the focus of this presentation, provide unique insights into the life experiences of a group of gifted adults and build of the author's ongoing research in this area.