Fri 19.09.2014 - 15:20-17:30 - Ravnikar

Students' Attitudes Toward Education Of Gifted And Their Competences As A Future Teachers: Is There An Implication For Study Program Modification   Paper  Presentation

Presenter: Jasna Arrigoni
Author(s): Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić (Department of Teacher Education, University of Rijeka, Croatia), Jasna Arrigoni (Department of Teacher Education, University of Rijeka, Croatia)

One of the extremely important prerequisite for organizing a quality educational system for gifted children presents also well trained teachers. Therefore, the general question raised from this starting point is what could be done to develop appropriate competences of teachers, primarily through initial teacher education at the undergraduate level of higher education. So, the main aim of this paper is to examine the attitudes toward gifted children and their education from the perspective of students enrolled at Faculty of Teacher Education in Rijeka, Croatia. Students of both study programs will be included in the research: Early and Preschool Care and Education and Primary School Teachers Study. In addition, their attitudes toward the usefulness and application of the course “Education of gifted children” will be examined. Finally, since this course is elective and some students do not have the opportunity to hear relevant lectures, the comparison in general attitudes toward education of gifted children between different students’ groups will be explored. The determined results will be discussed within the frame of needed teachers’ competences, possible attitudes change and study program modifications.
