Thu 18.09.2014 - 13:45-14:15 - Foyer
Validation of Italian Version of Gifted Rating Scales- School Form. Preliminary Data. Poster Presentation
Angela Beretta
Author(s): Angela Beretta, (University of Pavia, Italy), Steven Pfeiffer, (Florida State University, USA), Maria Assunta Zanetti, (University of Pavia, Italy)
The challenge of correctly identifying gifted students has long been understood to be one of the most critical issues to be resolved (Pfeiffer, 2003; Cramer 1991). This is particularly true in Italy where gifted education has experienced insufficient support (Zanetti, Renati, Beretta, 2013).
This study will set out to test the reliability and validity of an Italian translation of the Gifted Rating Scales-School From (GRS-S) with a sample of Italian elementary and middle school students. The study will examine the scales’ reliability in comparison to reliability results from the U.S. standardization sample. The criterion validity was tested by correlating student’s scores on the scales with student academic achievement, as measured by classroom grades. Student scores on the scales were correlated with the INVALSI, the Italian local normed-referenced academic achievement test. The convergent validity was examined by comparing student’s scores with scores on the GAI of WISC IV.
The complete sample will be of 380 students. The presented data are partial and only refer to the sample of 230 elementary school students (mean age 8.37, SD= 1.35) 114 males and 116 females. Reliability analysis yielded excellent reliability results, with α values ranging from .93 to .99. Several positive and significant correlations were also found between student scores on the GRS-S and the INVALSI.
These preliminary results provide evidence for the convergent validity of the Italian-translated GRS-S. Correlations between the Italian version of the GRS-S scale scores and intellectual ability scores from the GAI of WISC IV revealed positive and significant relationships (r=.613).
Preliminary findings suggest that the Italian GRS-S scores retain appropriate psychometric properties; results provide preliminary support for the Italian version of the GRS-S as a reliable and potentially useful screening measure for use in the identification of Italian gifted students. These findings are consistent with the results of other recently published GRS validity studies conducted in China, South Korea, Puerto Rico, and Turkey.