Conference participants
Olga Wagenaar
NHTV/ OZObegaafd
Dongen, Netherlands
Patricia Wallace
Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
Towson, United States
- Does Online Learning Work for High Ability Students? Best Practices and Strategies for Expanding Academic Options Symposia contribution Presentation
Sieglinde Weyringer
University of Salzburg, Austria
Salzburg, Austria
Carrie Winstanley
Principal Lecturer
Roehampton University
London, United Kingdom
Website: Roehampton University
- Making Use of Museum and Galleries in a Digital Landscape Paper Presentation
Marca Wolfensberger
Hanze UAS Groningen/Utrecht University
Groningen, Netherlands
Petra Wolfsberger
Landesschulrat für Niederösterreich und Verein ECHA-Austria
Oberwölbling, Austria
- European Advanced Diploma in Gifted Education: Present Situation and Future Perspectives Symposia contribution Presentation
Chantal Woltring
Author Handbook Feniks Talent, Coach/Counsellor
Centre for Creative Learning / Feniks Talent
Sterksel, Netherlands
Website: Feniks Talent B.V. (in Dutch)
Frank C. Worrell
School of Education, University of California
Berkeley, United States
Website: School of Education, University of California
- Giftedness and Gifted Education in the Digital Age: Continuities and Discontinuities Paper Presentation Video
Anita Wuestman
Foundation of Dutch Specialists in Gifted Education ECHA
Harfsen, Netherlands